Setting up your Case Study

How to get diversity policy on the agenda?


A case study is a good instrument to get more attention for diversity in your organization.

A well-considered analysis resulting in recommendations is a helpful document for policy discussion and can be a support for the management.

Your Case Study should include:

  • description of the current diversity situation of the organisation
  • argumentation about selected interviewees
  • their suggestions for improvements and change, interventions
  • analysis of all suggestions
  • recommendation for improvement of diversity policy

Once you have gathered the information to develop the Case Study for your organisation, you will need to analyse the information from the desk research and the interviews.

Tip: keep in mind the big and the small picture

The Big Picture

The Small Picture

Presenting the concept of transformation How are we going to do that?
Setting long-term corporate goals Where do we begin?
Developing the overall objectives of the transformation What are the priorities?
Re-formulating the mission of the organization Where does my contribution fit in?
Communicating organizational values What does this mean in my daily life?

To help you in that task we advise you to use the organization scan tools such as:

Analysing tools

Do you know at what stage your organisation is?

If you want to have an example of a case study, you are invited to visit our Collection of Case Studies.
Download now our complete guide How to set up a Case Study (793 KB)
DivCap website adminHow to set up the Case Study for your institution